ISO / BS Maintenance
If your audits are not to plan, your reviews not completed, training and document updates not actioned - then contact C-QES Limited.
We have the experience of working with different systems in a variety of industries and to short time scales before an ISO or British Standards certification auditor’s visit, or even a customer's auditor.
For a no-obligation fixed fee, we will spend one day with you, and employing our scoring system, assess your needs and give you a recommended list of actions. We will then provide you with a quote for the work and to keep costs down you can do some of it yourself, or if you prefer get C-QES Limited to do all the work for you.
C-QES Limited will also support your Management Systems Managers - “quality”, “health and safety”, “business continuity” etc., by attending your customer and third-party audits reducing the auditor’s concerns.
We know how disruptive preparation for Management Systems certification audits can be to your organisation's output, and we take care to keep it to a minimum.